Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Two - Dean & DeLuca - Pad Thai Noodles with Shrimp

I have had my fair share of Pad Thai Noodles, in restaurants, mall franchises, I even made it a few times with instant packages and from recipes from various cookbooks. 

The Pad Thia Noodles with Shrimp in this book was far from daring.  The Noodles were very tasty, but not saucy, or spicy enough for me.  The sauce was very light.  It was a good recipe, using all the authentic ingredients required.  I just felt it needed a little more zing.  Maybe more tamarind or vinegar would have helped.  I think if you never had Pad Thai Noodles, this version would be a good introduction to the dish.

What I like about this book so far, is the recipes are so easy to follow. Your directed smoothly from step one through to step 4 etc. No room for error.  The other thing about this book is it takes you around the world.  Italian, Chinese Thai, French, Indian and the list goes on.

Tonight I'll journey through the cookbook and see which country I land in for tomorrows dinner.

The Cookbook Addict.