So I had another date night with the boys (my 5-year-old and 7-month-old) today. The kicker was that my 5-year-old had a play date as well. This meant that I had to make something child friendly, fast and little clean-up. So I went with the Caesar Burger. The ingredients are probably what you’re thinking of. Parmesan Cheese, Worcestershire, Garlic, Lemon and of course anchovy's. 1 tablespoon of anchovy paste to be exact. I was a bit worried, because you either love anchovy's or you don't. I like them, but I was worried about my son. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the results. The burger tasted like I was sitting in a high-end restaurant eating a gourmet burger and anyone can tell you, I'm not much of a burger fan. My son ate his and licked his fingers clean. Yummy. I'll be having another one for lunch tomorrow. I won't lie, you do taste some of the anchovy, but the paste makes the burger
To top off my great burger, I made the Baked Chevre (goat cheese) on Mesculn with Fig Vinaigrette. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! It was so !@#!%* delicious I had it again before I went to bed. I couldn't believe how the Fig Vinaigrette paired so well with the baked goat cheese. I must have groaned in ecstasy with every bite.
Today I had a nice light dinner and the flavors were fantastic. What was so great was, the ingredients were simple but the tastes were complex. Yum Yum. This meal sure made up for yesterday.
The Cookbook Addict
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