Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can I Be Creative In The Kitchen First Thing In The Morning

This morning as I clung to my pillow for an extra few minutes of sleep, I felt my five year old breathing in my ear uttering soft Smurf toned words.  As I became more coherent I realized he was placing his breakfast order for the day....." and I want bacon, bread and apple juice".   I'm a slave to the kitchen I told him.  He responded it's your kitchen Mummy? My response...Huff!

You know you spend too much time in the kitchen when your kids start to believe that it’s mummy's space and she's a permanent fixture there.  Anyway, I dragged myself out of bed and entered my SPACE!

I don't usually make bacon during the week, but I figured it would be nice to switch things around and have a Saturday breakfast today.  As I was frying the bacon and drinking my coffee, I reminisced about yesterdays Caesar Burger.  Then I realized WAIT!!! There was NO BACON on the burger. I know it's an optional ingredient but to me it's essential.  I had two more patties in the fridge to be cooked and my husband didn't get to try them last night, so I decided to fry them up for breakfast. Once I finished the bacon, I fried the burgers in some of the bacon fat until cooked, then built the burgers to order and added crumbled bacon.

We were both amazed at how good the burgers were. Fantastic I say, Fantastic.

The Cookbook Addict