Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day Two - Jamie's Food Revolutation - Bolognese Sauce

Once again, it was a day where time was not on my side.  Between running to emergency with a puffy eyed five-year-old, shopping for groceries, and trying to get my laundry done I was limited on cooking time.  However, I also had a wonderful visit with my friend/aunt.  But once we get together I loose all motivation to cook anything. But because I feel very committed to this blog, I couldn't let my readers down.  So I decided to prep myself for tomorrow by making a Bolognese Sauce for Lasagne.

I have to confess though, that I found it very hard to pick a recipe today.  After reading this book for a few days, I feel so uninspired.  All the photos in the book look like unformed, watery messes on the plates.  Not to mention, everything looks like it's made with ground beef.  What I realized later was that this book is very British.  The curry dishes, the breakfasts and the fish dishes.  The photos look very rustic, but very unappetizing at the same time.  Not to mention, I'm very particular about my sauces.  I like my sauce think, clinging to the plate, making love to the food and leaving an after glow where the meal once sat and a memory on your tongue.  With Jamie's book you get more of a watery sauce which leaves your meal swimming on the plate.

The outcome of the Bolognese Sauce you ask.  I maybe a harsh critic on this one since my mother has always made an amazing sauce, with various relatives including myself try to replicate.   I have to say I make a pretty fantastic sauce.  So that said, I was very disappointed with Jamie's sauce.  It lacks a richness that sticks to your fork and flavor that should haunt your pallet for more.  Sorry Jamie not impressed with your Bolognese.  However, I'll let the sauce sit overnight and see if it redeems its self in the morning.

The Cookbook Addict


Susan said...

I love the romanticism re the perfect sauce.

Sharon, maybe you should give writing romance novels a try!!